Kim jestem?

Zawracam statki płynące na góry lodowe lub odblokowuje zablokowane w Kanale Sueskim. Jeżeli czujesz, że jesteś na takim statku to daj znać. Mnie zależy już tylko na tym, aby w IT nie żyło się lepiej, tylko gorzej. Bo jak jest gorzej, to później jest lepiej. Aby soft nie zabijał nas, naszych mózgów rodzin i dzieci, był taki trochę EKO-wege. Oczywiście nie robię tego sam, wskakujemy na pokład robić porządek wspólnie. Z niejednego softu jadłem i nie jedną produkcję położyłem. Medytuję od niedawna, ale jestem ciągle rebelem więc mówię jak jest, nic personalnego. Nie lubię patrzeć jak przejadamy kasę w IT na bezsensowny soft, albo miernej jakości, jak waste goni waste. Może jestem w stanie Ci pomóc albo Twojej organizacji. Jak szukasz kogoś z pomysłami i energią to może zostanę kiedyś Twoim CTO.

About me

Being through many organizations in various roles, circulating around software development
made me have a holistic approach to projects. My main goal and motivation was always to
leave projects in better shape, which I did, with a great passion. Started as a tester years ago I
went through quality assurance, development, devops, consulting, building and leading teams,
designing processes, spreading good practices and preaching about standards. It gave me
the ability to spot week points in all those areas and find the most effective solutions. I know
how to challenge developers and managers but also understand and collaborate with
business clients as I watched projects from all perspectives. I can automate and accelerate,
break bottlenecks and maintain code standards but most important I know how to impact
mindsets. Like breaking status quo. Being a software agnostic. Believe in Lean concepts.

How can I help you?

Accelerating and healing IT projects and organizations in terms of efficiency and high quality software. 

You don’t know if your software engineering process is efficient?

  • I would give you an interesting perspective. I can help you with:
  • improving efficiency of delivering software 
  • build-in quality in development process
  • help to build IT strategy of your organization
  • deliver know-how the best software practices

I’m working as a consultant to help organizations with IT transformations. I have got a wide spectrum of know-how technical, architectural and quality practices. I can also take an ownership and leadership for your project.  
My DNA: Software quality passionate. Lean and XP supporter. Business oriented software engineer.

Top5 Gallup: Ideation, futuristic, significance, strategic and learner.


Self-made musician and future/past DJ. 



Daniel Dec